Saturday, October 23, 2010

Joint Commerce and Industry of India: India will rely heavily on computer hardware in China

British "Financial Times" Amy Ye (Amy Yee) in New Delhi

Joint Commerce and Industry of India (Assocham) warned that by 2010, India is expected to worth 35 billion U.S. dollars of computer hardware will depend on China, accounting for more than a third of expected demand, the Government of India highlighted the neglect of science and technology industry , as positive as China.

銆??杩欏鍗板害鍟嗕笟浜т笟闆嗗洟鏈?柊鍏竷鐨勪竴浠芥姤鍛婃樉绀猴紝鏃ョ泭澧為暱鐨勫浗鍐呴渶姹傚皢鎰忓懗鐫?紝鍗板害瀵逛腑鍥界數鑴戠‖浠剁殑渚濊禆绋嬪害灏嗚繀閫熸彁楂橈紝鍥犱负鍦ㄤ腑鍥芥斂绛栫殑鎺ㄥ姩涓嬶紝涓浗鐨勭‖浠朵环鏍兼洿浣庡粔锛屼骇鍝佹洿鍏风珵浜夊姏銆?br />
India Joint Business Council president 闃垮凹灏旈樋鍔?Val (Anil Agarwal), said China has chip manufacturing as a strategic industry, and the Indian government's policy has seriously neglected the development of hardware manufacturing.

Resulting a result, India's personal computer (PC) penetration rate "well below" the Chinese.

At present, India has about 10 million personal computers, the equivalent of less than 10 units per 1,000 people, while China has more than 40.

India Joint Business Council estimated that by 2010, India's IT hardware such as computers and the demand for chips will reach 93 billion U.S. dollars.

By then, India's domestic production is expected to reach 23 billion U.S. dollars, and the remaining 70 billion U.S. dollars worth of Chinese imports needs to be met.

銆??濡傛灉寮曡繘浣庢垚鏈釜浜虹數鑴戯紝鍒?008骞达紝鍗板害鐨勭數鑴戞嫢鏈夐噺鍙兘浼氬鑷?500涓囧彴銆?However, the Indian Joint Business Council, said the key to pushing down the price of local manufacture of hardware, but this sector is still "very small, depends on the assembly, and divided."

The organization said that in the past 8 years, India has been in the appropriate hardware manufacturing policy. India's hardware to ensure that "no longer at a disadvantage," they need to develop infrastructure, strengthen logistics support, an incentive mechanism, but so far not been much progress in these areas.

銆??鍗板害鍥藉唴纭欢甯傚満浠峰?浼拌绾︿负240浜跨編鍏冦? In the sales of products, one-third from China, and the rest from the mainland of China, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, EU and U.S. imports.


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Monday, October 18, 2010

HR in the eyes of professional managers should prepare quality

Professional managers in China, despite the wide attention, but the local team of professional managers still sizable. Recently, the "knowledge Wei Xing Yuan" Fudan MBA cultural tourism activities focus on the third theme of the Forum "HR in the eyes of professional managers - MBA students should focus on training of literacy", around the "professional managers
Literacy "topics discussed.

Chinese Human Resources Director, said Wang Ling, corporate recruiters have to carry out personality tests, according to the strengths of his personality to give him the organization of work; the other part is the skills and techniques of investigation, mainly to see his past work experience; finally look at his values, one with the mainstream values of social development, the second is the customer values.

Xindi Si Shanghai Medical Instrument Co., Ltd. National Training Manager, Deng Haiqiong that the cultivation of professional managers literacy is HR (human resources director) need to focus on the things considered, candidates must be used with the company's values are matched.

"To my mind soul and eyes to light, conversation to profit, heart to heat, hands to do" is the Lotus Supermarket chain Luo Yibing, vice president of human resources department of the request. The company has enrolled in Fudan University's MBA graduates 5th, they first consider the candidate to have "big smart", must grasp of things, grasp of the strategy; followed by the eye to light, the candidate of their own grasp of the future is very clear and very understanding of their industry and market conditions; addition candidates to articulate their own, work hard, have passion in mind.

The most basic quality of professional managers is to have good professional ethics, this is the consensus of many enterprises, that is, shareholders and the absolute loyalty to the company, a high degree of professionalism, be able to observe the company's trade secrets. M organ Stanley Yan Haiyun that human resource managers are professional managers of occupational first quality. Luo Yibing also stressed the importance of professional ethics, she has been talking with the staff an example, when the stack of money in the face of corporate interests want you to sell when you want to clear the problem that the next 30-year career, his reputation Is it only the money value of the Da.

There is no doubt that professional managers should have the necessary operational capacity, which the professional ability, leadership is more important. Senior Human Resources Manager, Philips Lighting Alumia that as a professional manager is the first professional players, to the knowledge in this field there is enough in understanding the breadth, depth, also have sufficient knowledge. Also have to have a strong management capabilities, this is the only professional career executives. B & Q director, executive vice president of human resources that Chen Lili, a good professional managers, should be a good human resources manager, a good financial manager, then the professional manager. Alcatel Shanghai Bell Co., Ltd. Production Operations Director of Human Resources Kong Yi believes that professional managers of the most important quality is leadership, leadership is reflected in, and subordinate, superior and lateral communication and cooperation between colleagues, "Leadership our career in professional managers must pay attention to the quality. "

In addition, confidence, humility, integrity, affinity is also recognized as a professional manager that people should have the quality.

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Monday, October 11, 2010

Netac flash news Huaqi patent dispute settlement reached in equal

Site received reliable information, closely watched patent case Huaqi Netac flash disk case, the two sides have recently reached a settlement equal, they will be jointly held a press conference day. The equality of the two sides can reach a settlement of the final results, will work together to build national brands have a significant and positive impact.

Playback銆?銆怑vent: September 16, 2002, Netac sued Beijing "Huaqi Information", the Shenzhen Fu brilliant companies, the company's patent infringement, "for the data processing system for flash electronic external storage method and The device "patent, the Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court on September 23, 2002 formalized.

June 1, 2004, the Shenzhen Intermediate Court sentenced Netac v. Public flash drive manufacturers domestic case, compensation in the first instance decision maker Netac Huaqi other companies to stop sales of one million yuan and flash drive products. Victories on the first instance ruling, said the patent is invalid.

In the following period, the two sides for the second trial to seek evidence in their favor, to achieve equality and reconciliation now will be a mutually acceptable result.

Feng Jun, president Huaqi Consulting

Netac president Deng Guoshun


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