J2ME Development Network This is probably the first one hundred articles, and while not a landmark, but how many witnessed the J2ME Development Network along the way of history. This paper will conduct a detailed summary of J2ME, clarify what context.
J2ME most important part of learning is to master the system structure of J2ME, J2ME is the SUN for the embedded consumer electronics product launch of the development platform, in fact it is a series of technical and norms of general. Is the core of J2ME Configuration (configuration), Configuration purpose is to define a set of vertical API and services a wide range of equipment, while VM is specified in the Configuration layer. The above is in Configuration Profile (description), he is running in the Configuration above, its purpose is some important characteristics of a class of devices. These features are important, but they are not all the devices in both possess. SUN equipment on the current market hardware abstraction layer processor based devices, memory and network connectivity were two standard configurations, this is the CLDC and CDC. Currently referred to J2ME CLDC + MIDP on the fact that it is inaccurate, ignoring a more powerful CDC is unforgivable. Configuration and with the exception of the flexibility described in a configuration described above can simultaneously support multiple, for example, we can run on CLDC MIDP on the program, so if the device supports Bluetooth so you can run an optional package. Mastered the J2ME architecture we will not get lost in the J2ME of learning. If you want to learn more about the history of the development of J2ME way, you can download the JSR specification read, the address is http://jcp.org
Popular development is the mobile phone development, so we will mainly talk about in this article the main content of CLDC + MIDP, J2ME below also Tezhi CLDC + MIDP, J2ME, but we must be clear does not mean CLDC + MIDP.
J2ME is not much content, if you read the MIDP the api, then found a total of ten classes is then 100. Compared to the thousands of J2SE class library is really trivial, reason for providing such a class library for developers to streamline the main reason is resource-constrained mobile information device characteristics. Defined in CLDC1.0 only three packages java.lang, java.io and java.util. This constitutes the basis of CLDC language, in this layer also includes a KVM. Time in the development of J2ME programs avoid assumptions, because not all of the J2SE library in J2ME to get support.
The quickest way to learn J2ME J2ME applications is to write, read the code and writing code. In J2ME proposes a new application model - MIDlet, this class is defined in javax.microedition.midlet.MIDlet, our MIDlet must extend this class and implement its three abstract methods startApp (), pauseApp ( ) and destroyApp (). Approach also reflects the MIDlet's life cycle, MIDlet life cycle by the AMS (application management software, formerly known as JAM) management. On the MIDlet life cycle can carefully refer to API doc.
CLDC launch in two months time, SUN on the launch of the MIDP1.0, MIDP exciting is provided in the GUI, so developers can easily write J2ME apps, GUI libraries get in the javax. microediton.lcdui defined in MIDP2.0 SUN increase in support for game development launched javax.microedition.lcdui.game package to facilitate the game developers. MIDP UI is not taken in AWT or SWING design ideas, as they are for PC's, mobile phones and other devices in the main interaction is done through the buttons, so for the mouse and keyboard events of mechanism design, AWT / SWING is not suitable for J2ME platform.鍦ㄦ帉鎻I鐨勬椂鍊欙紝鎴戜滑鍦ㄥご鑴戜腑搴旇娓呮鐨勭煡閬揓2ME骞冲彴鐨勭晫闈㈠拰浜嬩欢澶勭悊鏄尯鍒嗛珮绾у拰浣庣骇鐨勩?楂樼骇鐣岄潰鍜屼簨浠跺鐞嗙浉瀵圭畝鍗曪紝浣嗘槸閫熷害蹇?鍙Щ妞嶆?濂姐?浣庣骇鐢ㄦ埛鐣岄潰鍜屾椂闂村鐞嗙浉瀵瑰鏉傦紝浣嗘槸鍔熻兘寮哄ぇ銆佸彲绉绘鎬у樊銆傞?甯稿湪寮?彂娓告垙鐨勬椂鍊欐垜浠鐢ㄤ綆绾I銆?br />
聽聽聽 鍦↗2ME骞冲彴涓彁渚涗簡涓?釜灏忓瀷鐨勬暟鎹簱锛屼粬灏辨槸Record Management System銆備粬鐨勬暟鎹槸瀛樺偍鍦ㄩ潪鎸ュ彂鎬у瓨鍌ㄥ櫒涓婄殑锛屽洜姝や笉浼氬洜涓虹▼搴忕殑閫?嚭浠ュ強鎵嬫満鐨勫叧鏈鸿?涓㈠け锛屼粠鑰屼负J2ME骞冲彴鎻愪緵浜嗘寔涔呮?瀛樺偍銆俁MS鐨勮璁″紓甯哥殑灏忓阀锛屼粬涓昏璐熻矗瀛樺偍鏁版嵁鍜屾爣璁版暟鎹紝鏁版嵁瀛樺偍鏄潰鍚戝瓙鑺傜殑锛孯MS瑙勮寖骞舵病鏈夎鏄庝粈涔堟暟鎹兘琚瓨鍌紝鍙鏁版嵁鍙互杞崲涓哄瓙鑺傦紝閮藉彲浠ヨ瀛樺偍銆俁MS鏄?杩噄d鏉ユ爣蹇楁暟鎹殑锛屼絾鏄粬骞朵笉鏄储寮曘?璁捐灏忓阀褰撶劧閫傚悎鍦ㄦ墜鏈轰笂杩愯浜嗭紝浣嗘槸鍔犻噸浜嗗紑鍙戜汉鍛樼殑浠诲姟锛屾垜浠繀椤昏礋璐e瓨鍌ㄦ暟鎹拰璇诲彇鏁版嵁骞惰〃绀烘暟鎹紝鍦ㄦ湰绔欐湁涓撻浠嬬粛RMS锛岃鍙傝?銆?br />
聽聽聽 鍦↗2ME涓潪甯搁噸瑕佺殑妗嗘灦灏辨槸GCF锛屽畠鏄湪javax.microediton.io閲岄潰瀹氫箟鐨勶紝鎻愪緵浜嗚仈缃戠殑鑳藉姏銆傚湪MIDP2.0涓洿鏄彁渚涗簡瀵筎CP/IP灞傝仈缃戠殑鏀寔銆傚湪GCF涓牳蹇冩槸Connector锛岃?闈㈠悜鎺ュ彛鐨勮璁′娇寰桮CF鐨勬墿灞曟?闈炲父鍑鸿壊銆傛垜浠湪寮?彂鑱旂綉绋嬪簭鐨勬椂鍊欏繀椤昏娑夊強鍒扮殑闂灏辨槸澶氱嚎绋嬮棶棰樸?鍥犱负鑱旂綉鎿嶄綔蹇呴』鍦ㄥ彟涓?釜绾跨▼涓畬鎴愶紝鑰屼笉鑳藉啀涓荤嚎绋嬪唴锛岃繖鏍锋槸涓轰簡閬垮厤鍫靛銆傝繖鏃跺?浣犲簲璇ヨ璇嗗埌鍏跺疄瀛﹀ソJ2ME蹇呴』瑕佹湁鍧氬疄鐨凧2SE鐨勫熀纭??
聽聽聽 鍦↗2ME涓湁涓潪甯搁噸瑕佺殑姒傚康灏辨槸鍙?鍖咃紝鍙?鍖呮槸閽堝鐗瑰畾璁惧鍔熻兘鎻愬嚭鐨勶紝姣斿鏈変簺璁惧鍙互鏀寔绉诲姩澶氬獟浣擄紝閭d箞浣犲氨鍙互浣跨敤MMAPI杩涜鐩稿叧鐨勫紑鍙戙?
聽聽聽 浜嬪疄涓婅澶囧巶鍟嗗悓鏃朵細寮?彂涓?簺閽堝鑷繁璁惧鐨凙PI缁欏紑鍙戜汉鍛樹娇鐢紝涓?棪浣犱娇鐢ㄤ簡浠栦滑鐨凙PI閭d箞浣犵殑搴旂敤绋嬪簭灏变抚澶变簡鍙Щ妞嶆?锛屾瘮濡侼okia 6108鐨勭▼搴忎笉鑳藉湪Motorola 388c涓婅繍琛屻?SUN涓轰簡鏀瑰杽杩欎簺鍒嗚API鐨勯棶棰樺湪JSR185涓繘琛屼簡涓?畾寮哄害鐨勮鑼冿紝涔熷氨鏄垜浠墍鐭ラ亾鐨凧TWI,JSR185骞舵病鏈夋彁渚涙柊鐨凙PI锛屽彧鏄瀹炵幇JTWI鐨勮澶囪繘琛屼簡瑙勮寖锛屾瘮濡侶eap绌洪棿鑷冲皯涓?56K绛夈?璇︾粏璧勬枡鍙笅杞絁SR瑙勮寖璇昏鐪嬨?
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